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Saturday, March 29, 2014

Three verses of Sinatra, and a cloud of dust (on the Streets of Cuenca, Ecuador)

Woody Hayes. Ohio State University. Listen up from heaven. You're being honored this morning on the streets of Cuenca, Ecador, about ten yards and a cloud of dust across the New Cathedral on Calle Sucre.

"Three yards and a cloud of dust." Your famous quote comes quickly to mind as a neatly-dressed, middle-aged Cuencano weakly belts out Frank Sinatra and tunes of other American singers, backed up by his small, black keraoke box. 

Frank Not-So-Hoststra, as my dad would say

Most people don't drop a dime into the hard-working man's plastic cup that he holds in his non-microphone hand. But I do -- at least once every two weeks or so, when I'm on my way to having lunch at Don Colon's restaurant, a block away from the flower market. The street singer is halfway to my intended destination.

See, the guy has guts and perseverance, something my dad wanted to make sure that all three of his girls acquired. Sure, he'd wanted a boy and never got one. But he took his girls to football games at Oregon State, and talked to us about giving the old college try and how working at something is more important than relying on talent. Trying your damnedest is what's most important, he'd say. We never left until the game was over. It paid off, too, when Terry Baker was the star quarterback.

Of course my dad liked Hayes because Woody believed in gutting it out. So I know that you, Woody,  would have appreciated this street singer. He comes to work day after day. Sings in good weather. Sings when it rains. He doesn't have much talent but he sure gives it the old college try. This, he does, in a developing country where jobs are few and opportunities rare for a person who does not come from wealth.

Three verses of Sinatra, and a cloud of dust!  Or guts? That's what this singer relies on. And some times, it works! Like today, when I passed by and stopped to listen for as long as I could stand it, before dropping a fifty-cent piece into his cup.

If you don't know: Hayes's Buckeye squads often faced off in a fierce rivalry against the Michigan Wolverines coached by Bo Schembechler, a former player under and assistant coach to Hayes. That stretch in the Michigan–Ohio State football rivalry, dubbed "The Ten Year War," saw Hayes and Schembechler's teams win or share the Big Ten Conference crown every season and usually each place in the national rankings.
Hayes was famous for his three yards and a cloud of dust philosophy for offense. Writes football expert, John Paul, Hayes' idea was that when you passed the ball three things could happen, and only one of them was positive for your team. "The pass would be incomplete, it would be intercepted, or your player would catch it and advance the ball. This 33% chance of success was not one that Coach Hayes wanted to bank on, and as a result he broke down the yards needed for a first down (10) and developed the idea that each time the ball is snapped you only need to advance three yards." 

Friday, January 31, 2014

Happy Birthday to My Mother, Betty Orr. She Keeps Herself Going In So Many Creative Ways!!

Betty Orr, accomplished writer AND mother

I'm tired and my eyes hurt. I've been working all day on marketing The Plan. Mostly recently, I put it up as a kindle book on Amazon.

All of this (researching, writing, marketing) is hard work and sometimes I get worn out! But what is the alternative?

Oh, any one of us could sit around bored. Watching television, smoking, drinking, complaining. But where does this leave us at the end of the day?

My mother is celebrating her (about) ninety-fifth birthday today. She sure doesn't stay bored!!!!! In fact, she had a lunch date with a ninety-eight year old man who drives a big Cadillac. "I don't let him drive me very far," she admitted. But the old guy still drives and he is able to get around and have some fun.

I want to be this way as I age. This is why I spend my time writing. Anyone can do it. Just start. I learned this from my mom. She got me started working as a journalist when I had no idea what to do with my life.She still writes books as a profession, and uses the Internet. She is amazing. It is these activities that keep her mind so youthful. She looks great, too.

What a great gift she has given me. What a tribute to her personal drive and accomplishments.

Happy Birthday, mom!!!!! You're allowed a day off to have some fun. But you'd better get back to work tomorrow. I know that you have writing to do!

Love, your daughter,

P.S. We rarely had babysitters when growing up. But I remember one lady who watched us a few times when our parents went out. Her name was Peggy Blockinger and she was a professional author!